Furniture solid wood
Alex Kura articles
Furniture solid wood

Deciding to buy solid wood furniture is usually a decision you will not regret. Furniture made of solid wood are for the most part more durable than furniture made from processed wood. They are also more beautiful, although in relation to this one can certainly say that it is a matter of taste that can be different from person to person. Either way, you can not take from them the natural, almost rustic look of the furniture created immediately when you see the same sense of naturalness, of countryliness and connection to the earth, even if your home is in the heart of urban space.

Solid wood furniture - enjoy many years of furniture

A decision to buy solid wood furniture is usually a decision you will not regret. Furniture made of solid wood are for the most part more durable than furniture made from processed wood. They are also more beautiful, although in relation to this one can certainly say that it is a matter of taste that can be different from person to person. Either way, you can not take away the natural, almost rustic look of the furniture created immediately when you see the same sense of naturalness, of the countryside and connection to the ground, even if your home is in the heart of urban space.

Solid Wood Furniture - Important Tips

  • However, it is very important to remember that buying solid wood furniture does not guarantee damage to furniture. Precisely because of this it is important to keep some rules in the maintenance of solid wood furniture.
  • Consider where you want to place the furniture. Choose for the full wooden furniture that you bought in a room that is not exposed to direct rays of the sun. Sunlight, with its strong rays, can cause the natural tree to fade, dry, and peel
  • If an oven is placed in the room, remove it from the solid wood furniture. Even if the furniture is not close in a way that may cause a flare hazard (a point to remember in itself), it may dry up and be destroyed.
  • Try to avoid placing solid wood furniture in rooms that are prone to high humidity, such as shower rooms, baths, and so on. The moisture can change the shape of the natural wood beams from which the furniture is made. If you have already decided to place solid wood furniture in such rooms - be sure to expect them with appropriate custom coatings. Also, keep the veneer that keeps the furniture moist
  • Solid wood furniture may also become faded due to dust and dirt. Therefore, be sure to periodically clean with a damp cloth and the furniture. Use a soft cloth so that you do not scratch the furniture, God forbid.
  • A good method to avoid dirt and dust on the furniture is to spread a beautiful map on the back of the furniture. Whether it\'s a chest of drawers, a closet or even a piano. The map will accumulate the dirt and leave the furniture clean. From time to time just wash it and put it back in its clean place.
  • If you need to move a piece of solid wood from place to place, be careful not to drag them. Use another person and lift them off the floor. In this way, if you move a heavy table full of wood - his legs will not be damaged and will not bend.
  • Solid wood furniture only buy in a good home. Authentica imports special, high quality and beautiful furniture made entirely of solid wood. Go to the company\'s homepage, be impressed by the company and choose the furniture you love.